In: Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies, Volume 27, Issue 5, Special Issue: Revisiting the ethnographic turn in contemporary art Part 1.27. Abstract: An increasing wave of art events has occurred since the 1990s that have displayed significant similarities with anthropology and ethnography in their theorisations of cultural difference and representational practices. In this theme issue the authors aim to revisit the ethnographic turn in contemporary art by focusing on practice-led research. Contributions were collected from theorists, artists and critics, to engage critically with the ethnographic perspective in their work. Next to full research papers the authors also invited short statements and reflections by artists about their practice. In this introductory article, the issues at stake in the ethnographic turn in contemporary art are explored in greater detail.
Special Issue: Revisiting the ethnographic turn in contemporary art Part 1 URL:
Catherine Willems is verbonden aan het KASK als onderzoekster. Ze werkt aan een proefschrift ‘Future Footwear’ waarin ze de culturele, functionele en biomechanische aspecten bekijkt die aan bod komen bij het vervaardigen en het gebruik van schoenen in verschillende contexten. In deze lezing geeft ze toelichting bij haar artikel ‘100 % Bag Tanned’ dat verscheen in de reeks ‘Critical Arts’. Ze zal dieper ingaan op de antropologische kant van het onderzoek.
25.03.14—20:00 KASKlezing: Catherine Willems (BE) Cirque lezing.