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8th Triennial for Design.

The chemistry between the maker, the designer and the company ‘Hands on Design’ showcases design that is inspired and produced thanks to the innovative power of traditional methods and craftsmanship. Discover that chemistry this autumn in Design museum Gent.

From 19 November 2016 until 5 March 2017, ‘Hands on Design’ will show a superb selection of contemporary and historic design products, which are perfect examples of outstanding craftsmanship and the master’s touch. As a user, you can feel the difference between a store-bought kitchen knife or chair and a hand-made knife or chair, but sometimes it is difficult to pinpoint that difference. ‘Hands on Design’ reveals this invisible added value, the influence of the master’s touch and craftsmanship. Stroll through the maker’s house, his workshop and design studio. Take a closer look at his drawings and computer models. Learn about prototypes, materials and tools. Discover the human touch in familiar and brand-new utensils. Learn how designers, makers and companies push back boundaries and find new applications for centuries-old techniques. By processing familiar materials such as stone, wood, glass, leather, bronze in new and different ways.

Curator Johan Valcke spent two years searching for brand-new utensils by emerging young designers, established design studios and local businesses. He also brought together designers and companies, which led to some novel design products that will be shown for the first time during ‘Hands on Design’. Design museum Gent has juxtaposed these designs with surprising masterpieces from its own collection. MaisonCaro designed the exhibition’s scenography.


Jan Breydelstraat 5 9000 Gent

+32 (0)9 267 99 99

Conferentie Hands on Design

18/11/2016, Marriott Hotel Gent.

Op 18 november opent in Design museum Gent de 8ste Triënnale voor Vormgeving. De tentoonstelling ‘Hands on Design’ toont objecten ontworpen en gemaakt vanuit de innovatieve kracht van ambachtelijk denken. Ze focust op hoogwaardig vakmanschap, dat in veel objecten aanwezig is, maar vaak onzichtbaar. In de expo wordt dat onzichtbare, zichtbaar gemaakt. In het voorafgaand proces – van ontwerptekening, over computermodel, prototype tot eindproduct – is de menselijke hand aanwezig.

Conferentie Hands on Design

Voorafgaand aan de opening organiseren Design museum Gent en Design Vlaanderen een Conferentie Hands on Design rond het thema van de tentoonstelling met nationale en internationale sprekers. Johan Valcke, Alberto Alessi, Glenn Adamson, Louise Allen en Cathérine Willems geven hun visie op het belang van vakmanschap en ‘hands on’ vandaag.

Datum : Vrijdag 18 november 2016

Uur :      14.30u – 18.00u

Plaats :  Marriott Hotel Gent, Korenlei 10, 9000 Gent


15.00u Introductie door Johan Valcke, curator Hands on Design

15.15u Catherine Willems, CEO Future Footwear

15.45u Glenn Adamson, ex-directeur Museum Art & Design, New York

16.15u Pauze

16.30u Louise Allen, Head of Innovation & Development Programmes, Art and Design Council of Ireland

16.45u Alberto Alessi, CEO Alessi

17.00u Drink

18.00u Einde conferentie

19.30u Openingsreceptie tentoonstelling ‘Hands on Design’

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